US Rep. Mike Honda
15th District (CA)
For Immediate Release: Contact: Daniel Kohns 202.225.3327
June 26, 2007 daniel.kohns@mail.house.gov
Very Confident of Full House Approval
Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) issued the following statement regarding today’s House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ 39-2 passage of H. Res. 121, Mr. Honda’s resolution calling on the Government of Japan to “formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner” for coercion of young women into sexual slavery before and during World War II:
“Today’s overwhelming vote was a resounding victory not only for the hundreds-of-thousands of former ‘comfort women’, but is a tremendous affirmation of Congress’ commitment to upholding universal human rights. I am immensely grateful to Speaker Pelosi for her steadfast support of this legislation, and to Chairman Tom Lantos, Ranking Member Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and subcommittee chair Rep. Eni Faleomavaega for their leadership and enthusiastic support of this resolution. They, and the 37 other members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs who voted in favor understand the importance of recognizing this gross human rights violation. On behalf of the comfort women, I was deeply moved by their compassion. I look forward to my resolution moving to the House floor in the near future, where I am very confident it will pass by a wide margin.”